20363 Lane of Champions
Warsaw, Missouri 65355
Phone: 660-438-7120
Email: sgemes@warsawk12.org
Superintendent: Scott Gemes
March 1st, 2024
The Warsaw R-IX School District would like to declare the following as surplus items for bid.
Bus #11, 2001 Chev. Caterpillar, 54PHC, VIN 1GBL7T1C71J512678
Bus #12, 2007 Thom. Caterpillar, 71P, VIN 4UZABRDD27CW18876
Buyer is responsible for removal from the property. For more information and/or to view the vehicle before bidding, please contact the bus barn at (660) 438-3539.
All bids must be in a sealed envelope with the bidder's name, phone number, listed item, and bid amount.
Sealed bids must be turned in to the Superintendent's office, 20363 Lane of Champions, PO Box 248, Warsaw, MO 65355
All sealed bids must be received by 12:00pm, March 19th in order to be considered.
For more information, please call 660-438-7120.
Warsaw R-IX School District
Here is the link to the bid sheet: https://5il.co/2ftie