The Warsaw R-IX Board of Education met on February 19th to discuss a range of important updates and decisions affecting the school district. Due to winter weather, the agenda was reduced to only time-sensitive items requiring board approval. Below are the key highlights from the meeting.
New business started with a review of the district’s January Revenue and Expenses. The board then approved the bond resolution to allow Piper-Sandlin to sell and deliver the district’s $15,000,000 bond. Due to great rates and the ability to lock in a premium rate, the district will receive $16,375,308 for its building fund. Administration acknowledged that this is an exciting milestone that enables the district to begin much anticipated projects.
Other new business included several calendar and date approvals, including:
The 2025 graduation date - set for May 22nd at 7:00 p.m.
Summer school scheduled from May 27th to June 20th, 2025
As a result of summer school dates being adjusted to an earlier time-frame than previous years to accommodate restroom renovations at North Elementary School, the decision was made to use March 24th as a snow make-up day before using the previously approved date of May 23rd
Remaining new business included the approval of two surplus buses, the purchase of two 2023 used Blue Bird Ford gas buses for the 2025-2026 school year, the district’s Network for Educator Effectiveness (NEE) agreement for the next three years, and maintaining the board-paid health insurance contribution per employee.
During the closed session, the board approved two retirements, seven resignations, and four new hires. Additionally, all administrator contracts were extended by one year.
Community members interested in a position within the district are invited to check out the district's current job vacancies.
The next Warsaw R-IX Board Meeting is scheduled for March 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the HS/JBMS Library. A full list of up-to-date events, including upcoming board meetings, is available on the district’s website at The district welcomes the community to the monthly board meetings, which are open to the public, with the exception of closed sessions.
For more information on board meetings and other upcoming events, please contact the Warsaw R-IX School District Central Office or visit