Thank you to the Marine Corps veterans from the Warsaw Leathernecks that donated and gave an educational presentation to 4th and 5th grade students at South Elementary earlier this week. It was very informative a wonderful experience for students & staff. #WildcatExcellence

MO HS Football at Lawson: Warsaw 33 Lawson 0 (final)

MO HS Football at Lawson: Warsaw 26 Lawson 0 (halftime)

South School did a great job today, 8/30, during our lockdown drill. Once again, if this was a real situation, then we would be sharing out more information. Thank you for your patience today!

At this time, our South School is practicing our lockdown drill. If this was a real situation, then we would putting out as much information as possible through our text alert system.

The football team will begin their season tonight on the road. Kickoff is at 7pm at Lawson High School. Can't make the trip? Great News! The game will be livestreamed through the below channels. Let's Go Cats! #WildcatExcellence #SkoCats
Lawson HudlTV:

HS/JBMS campus did a great job today, 8/30, during our lockdown drill. Once again, if this was a real situation, then we would be sharing out more information. Thank you for your patience today!

At this time, our HS/JBMS campus is practicing our lockdown drill. If this was a real situation, then we would putting out as much information as possible through our text alert system.

North School did a great job today, 8/30, during our lockdown drill. Once again, if this was a real situation, then we would be sharing out more information. Thank you for your patience today!

At this time, our North School is practicing our lockdown drill. If this was a real situation, then we would putting out as much information as possible through our text alert system.

During this week of school, our students have been practicing our emergency drills. We have practiced Fire Drill and Tornado Drill. Today (8/30), we will practice our lockdown drills. The district office will be sending out alerts during those times for each building text group.

We'd like to give a huge shout out to our amazing facility crew for all of their hard work over the summer. As everyone gets settled into the new school year routine, please remember that is takes every single one of us to keep our facilities looking nice! #WildcatExcellence

Who knew running a district could be this sweet? 🧁
Superintendent, Mr. Gemes, was lucky enough to personally wish this preschooler happy birthday today. The cupcake was just the icing on the cake. 😁

John Boise Middle School is pleased to announce it has received a $4,731 STEM grant from the Toshiba America Foundation (TAF). These funds will support the physical science program by purchasing PocketLab sensors and mousetrap car kits. Mrs. Winters will be pioneering this new technology this spring with mousetrap car engineering using the PocketLab sensors to collect and analyze real-time data. #WildcatExcellence

Sorry for the early-morning text. Bus C is running about 10 to 15 minutes behind this morning.

WHS Calculus and Trigonometry students would like to thank Ray and Shannon Alcantara for their generous donations of graphing calculators. Your giving hearts are much appreciated across the entire district! #WildcatExcellence

The Wildcat Athletic Department would like to give a big shout out to Mr. Norton, HS Art Teacher, for always keeping our wildcat looking nice. Next time you are at Randy Morrow Field, be sure to check out his amazing work! #WildcatExcellence #OneTeamOneTown

Get out and see these ladies in action tomorrow! Please note that Warrensburg is a digital ticket only campus. Tickets may be purchased at: https://secure.payk12.com/school/Warrensburg-High-School-/699/item/254902

Here is a quick rundown of what is happening across the district this week. Stay in-the-know by visiting our events page: https://www.warsawk12.org/events. #WildcatExcellence

2nd graders in Mrs. Hargrave's class spent the first week learning and practicing their classroom/school routines and procedures. They had fun becoming detectives and solving puzzles to determine the difference between "Strong" and "Weak" choices. #WildcatExcellence