‪MO HS Boys ‬BB at ‪Warsaw‬: Warsaw 61 ‪Stoutland 80‬
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
HS JV Boys BB at‪ Warsaw‬: Warsaw 25 ‪Stoutland 57‬
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
The Warsaw Archery Team held their home meet today with Cole Camp and Lincoln participating.
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX
‪MO HS Boys ‬BB at ‪Lincoln‬: Warsaw 34 ‪Lincoln 59‬
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
HS JV Boys BB at‪ Lincoln‬: Warsaw 21 ‪Lincoln 28‬
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
A reminder about the FAFSA Frenzy tomorrow night, January 24 at 5:00 in the WHS library. This is for families of our senior class regarding financial information. If you know someone needing help with the new FAFSA, they are welcome to come. There will be a representative from SFCC to assist with the process.
about 1 year ago, Shannon Deckard
FAFSA invitation
Many of our gravel roads have improved, but many are still very icy. Warsaw R-IX will not have school today, 1/23. Make-up will be Monday, 1/29
about 1 year ago, Scott Gemes
Our hope is to have school tomorrow (1/23), but our gravel roads our still icy. The forecast is for 37 degrees and raining at midnight to help clear them up. We will make a final decision on school in the morning. If we do not have school, then we will use Jan. 29th as make-up.
about 1 year ago, Scott Gemes
‪MO HS Girls ‬BB‪ ‬at ‪Osceola Basketball Tournament‬: Warsaw 38 Montrose 34
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
The JV Girl's basketball game @ Macks Creek tonight has been postponed. Make up date TBD.
about 1 year ago, Ryan Boyer
No State Fair CTC in-person classes today. They will have virtual work sent to students. Text message will go out later.
about 1 year ago, Scott Gemes
Bus F route is running behind due to issues with our seats on the bus. They did not leave the HS/JBMS parking lot on time. We are working on getting students home using a small bus. It will take a couple of trips, so they will be late getting to their stops.
about 1 year ago, Scott Gemes
Missouri Sports Hall of Fame - Reminder The Hall of Fame Induction of the 1988 - 1995 Warsaw Football Program is fast approaching. Saturday, February 3rd : HOF Social @ Oasis Hotel Sunday, February 4th : HOF Induction ceremony @ Ozark Empire Fairgrounds For those of you who have already purchased tickets and made your travel plans we look forward to seeing you there. For those who have not purchased tickets yet there is still time, but the sooner the better. We want to be able to ensure that everyone from Warsaw will be able to sit together. Dress attire for the Induction Ceremony is your 'Sunday Best'. If anyone is needing assistance in helping to cover the costs of their tickets please email Coach Boyer separately at rboyer@warsawk12.org. All the information for the weekend can be found on Warsaw Wildcat Football Facebook page.
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX
‪MO HS Boys ‬BB at Warsaw: Warsaw 39 Cole Camp 55
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
Pep Band playing at our boys game tonight! Great job!
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
HS JV Boys BB at‪ Warsaw‬: Warsaw 24 ‪Cole Camp 38‬
about 1 year ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
We apologize for not be able to be more specific about Bus D. Bus D had an issue at the intersection of HWY BB and HWY 65. The tire hit the yield sign and made it go flat. All students were transferred to a new bus and should be on the way home. All students are safe.
about 1 year ago, Scott Gemes
Bus D will be running late this afternoon. It should be around 15 to 20 minutes behind.
about 1 year ago, Scott Gemes
We apologize for the delay in text messages. I just talked with our calling system, and they are having delays with text messages and phone calls. I have sent both phone call and text message tonight. We apologize for inconvenience, but please share the news to everyone. Text message should arrive sometime tonight.
about 1 year ago, Scott Gemes
Warsaw R-IX School District will not have school tomorrow, 1/17. This will be our last AMI Day (#5). Some backroads have slick spots, but we are also having trouble with our buses gelling up today. We are concerned that we will not have enough buses to run all routes.
about 1 year ago, Scott Gemes