JV Volleyball at Warsaw: Warsaw wins in 2 sets over Versailles: 25-20, 25-18

No “C” team game tonight, 9/20. JV game will start 5:15pm

Congratulations to Tim Snider for being awarded the Master Building Technician Seal at the MSPMA conference in Branson! Great job Tim and way to represent Warsaw School District. Keep up the great work!

JV Football at Adrian: Warsaw 6 Adrian 8

Thank you, Dr. Berry, for attending our new teacher dinner and giving us an inspirational speech. Thank you for your dedication to the Warsaw School District!

Senior Parents: There will be a project graduation meeting tomorrow, Sept. 19th, at 5:30pm at the high school.

Congratulations to all our cross country runners that competed at Sedalia today! The boys took second place! See pictures for full results!

Getting ready for the cross country meet at Clover Dell Park in Sedalia!

MO HS Football at Sherwood: Warsaw 26 Sherwood 6 (final)

MO HS Football at Sherwood: Warsaw 14 Sherwood 0 (halftime)

The Coach’s Show with Adam Howe and Ryan Boyer on BCE TV. Use this link:

Volleyball Game Day Tomorrow!

JH Volleyball scores from last night at Marshall:
A won in 2.
B won in 2.
C won in 2.

Warsaw falls in 3 sets tonight at Osceola 14-25, 15-25, 21-25!
S1 S2 S3
Warsaw 14 15 21
Osceola 25 25 25

Warsaw JV sweeps Osceola JV tonight 25-14, 25-14!
S1 S2
Warsaw JV 25 25
Osceola JV 14 14

Below is the link to tonight’s volleyball game against Osceola High School.

JV Football at Tipton: Warsaw 20 Tipton 6

Your 2022 Stover JV tournament champions!

Warsaw JV closes out set 3 and wins the 2022 Stover VB tournament with a final score of 15-0!
S1 S2 S3
Warsaw 20 25 15
S-C 25 13 0
Congratulations Ladies!

Warsaw is heading to the championship game of the Stover tournament after defeating Stover in 3 sets.
S1 S2 S3
Warsaw 29 26 15
Stover 30 24 9